In Exodus 19:12 God said to Moses, “Put boundaries for the people all around the mountain and say: Be careful that you don’t go up on the mountain or touch its base. Anyone who touches the mountain will be put to death.”

Boundaries are necessary.
Boundaries are for protection.
Boundaries protect your children; boundaries protect you spiritually; boundaries protect your relationships.

We should have boundaries in every area of our lives…well, almost every area.

This year, at The Pentecostals we are saying NO BOUNDARIES in Prayer, Worship, Giving, Serving & Reaching!

2015 is going to be our best year yet!

It’s going to be your best year yet!


You haven’t seen your best yet!

You haven’t seen your greatest victory!

You haven’t received your greatest blessing yet!

You haven’t reaped your greatest harvest yet!

You haven’t experienced your best walk with God yet!

You haven’t worshipped your best yet!

You haven’t served your best yet!

You haven’t seen your greatest experience of witnessing to the unsaved yet!


The best is yet to come!

But that to happen, you will have to remove some boundaries in your life.

This year…It’s time to take the boundaries off your prayer life!

This year…It’s time to take the boundaries off your ability to believe!


This year…It’s time to take the boundaries off your worship!

This year…it’s time to take the boundaries off your giving!


This year…it’s time to take the boundaries off your serving!

This year…it’s time to take the boundaries off your reaching!

Too often our prayer is limited by what we think can or should happen.

We pray small prayers because of boundaries on our ability to believe.

But if we could just remove those boundaries and start praying and believing that God would do things so big that no one else can get credit for it…there is no telling what would happen.

Prayer is the capsule that carries our desires…our requests…and our faith into the Heavenly and pulls down “thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven”.


If your prayers aren’t impossible with you, they are insulting to God!

Why? Because there are boundaries on them…they don’t require divine intervention!

And ultimately what happens in your life, big or small, is determined by how you pray;

If there are boundaries on your prayer…then there will be boundaries on the results;

If the boundaries are removed…that allows God to do big things.

Let’s remove the boundaries from our prayer and watch God do big things!

(In the next blog we will talk about removing the boundaries from our worship.)

